Thursday 28 July 2011

20 Best Jquery And MooTool Calendar Scripts

MooTools DatePicker

Smoothly animating and very configurable. No Ajax - pure Javascript.
Will work for any date-format and even supports time-picking.
4 skins ready for download, and it's easy to skin it yourself.

9 Useful jQuery Calendar And Date Picker Plugins For Web Designers

I am a big fan of jQuery, so i always use jQuery Calendar plugins to accomplish my tasks when the clients asked me to implement an event caldendar for them. In this article, i would like to share 9 really useful jQuery Event Calendar and Date Picker plugins that every web designers and developers should know.

10 Beautiful jQuery and MooTool Calendar Plugins

There are a lot of calendar plugins out there, in this article, we will go through all the powerful and beautiful jquery and mootool calendar plugins for your upcoming projects.

8 Useful jQuery Calendar, Date Picker and Time Formatting Plugins that You Should Know

jQuery is one of the most popular Javascript library. It’s easy to use, flexible, and most of all there’s a lot of jQuery tutorials and plugins available out which ease the the creation of dynamic effects and web controls. jQuery has become one of the most used JavaScript libraries today and can be found in the core of popular products like Wordpress, joomla and Drupal.


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