Monday 11 July 2011

205 Creative Flash Portfolio Websites

30 Fresh and Exceptional Flash Portfolio Websites

Creative Flash Portfolio Websites For Design Inspiration - In the age of Internet portfolio websites became an inalienable attribute of any graphic designer, web developer, artist, photographer or even musician, as it showcases his works, reflects the way he does business and creates an overall impression about him. But sometimes creating a personal portfolio might seem to be a real challenge for some people, as it requires some aspects to be taken into consideration: creativity, usability, the ease of use and of course professional look. You should also define the purpose of your portfolio: whether it is for sales generation, reputation building, networking or finding a new job. So, you need to understand what kind of portfolio you are creating. And just remember, there is no any single “right” way of creating portfolios, as it’s something personal that expresses your personality.

Fresh and Exceptional Flash Portfolio Websites

21 Well-Designed Flash Portfolios

Even though I make my living designing and developing Flash sites, I have to admit I usually start to cringe whenever I see a Flash loading bar. It’s not that Flash is a bad technology, it’s just that unfortunately there tends to be a lot of poorly designed sites out there with a total disregard for the user experience. When done right though, Flash sites can be both beautiful and usable.So I scoured through my immense collection of Google Bookmarks and looked at literally hundreds of Flash sites and found my favorites. I’m only focusing on personal portfolio websites this time – I’ll leave design agency portfolio sites for another post.

Well-Designed Flash Portfolios

25 Flash Portfolio Sites for Your Design Inspiration

Portfolio sites are critical for designers and photographers that need to showcase their best work and land new clients. The level of creativity is often higher on portfolio sites as it would be on other types of sites, and Flash-based sites allow many designers to explore their creative ideas.Recent improvements in the SEO capabilities of Flash, along with improved connection speeds of the average internet user, have made it more practical for designers to use Flash-based sites for their portfolios.In this post we’ll showcase 25 Flash-based portfolios for your design inspiration, plus a few Flash portfolio templates.

Flash Portfolio Sites for Your Design Inspiration

24 Impressive Flash Portfolios for Your Inspiration

A professionally made portfolio website is the basis of an artist’s successful career. It should demonstrate his creativity, express his uniqueness and, at the same time, it should be user-friendly and visually attractive for visitors. As for me, Flash works perfectly for portfolio websites, as it opens so many opportunities for the people of art: you can create amazing unusual galleries, include appropriate music accompaniment, use wonderful, even shocking graphics, interactive elements, and many more… In your Flash portfolio you can implement the most crazy and unbelievable your ideas. In this article, I have prepared an inspirational roundup for you having 24 impressive flash portfolios which will blow your mind.

Impressive Flash Portfolios for Your Inspiration

45 Awesome Flash Portfolio Websites

An portfolio is an edited collection of artwork intended to showcase an artist’s style or method of work. Typically, the work reflects a depth in one area of work. An Portfolio allows you to showcase your art to a wide audience, so it should be some of your best work. We have seen lots of css/html portfolio websites. So we have collected 45 the best flash portfolio websitesto inspire you.

Flash Portfolio Websites

30+ Attractive Interactive Animated Flash Portfolio Websites – You can’t stop yourself to say `WOW`

Interactive Animated Flash Portfolio Websites

Top 40 Awesomely Unique (And Creative) Flash Portfolio Sites

Getting artist’s or photographer’s work on the web is surely an essential when it comes to self-promotion. In this case, we could assert that Flash portfolios are an excellent way to showcase what they’ve done and how they did it. Plus it is a far beneficial facility to keep their recent works in front of the clients’ eyes. With extensive and spectacular Flash dynamics, the websites will look exclusive and stylish highlighting the beauty of personal masterpieces.Below are examples of Flash portfolios deploying Flash benefits successfully. Portfolios to mention today incorporate advanced media handling functionalities to complement the main works within, without drawing attention from them. These Flash designs are in fact one of the best works of their owners since every single detail there can count on whether the customer will contact or not. No doubt, the masters have done their utmost therefore.

Unique And Creative Flash Portfolio Sites


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